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Right along the shallow creek is a stack of fallen tree logs that overlook the entire camp. They are sturdy enough for a few cats to stand on, making this the perfect spot for the leader to hold Clan meetings.

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No New Posts ► LEADER'S DEN

This is where the leader of BrookClan resides. The den is situated right on the left side of camp and is well-hidden by a group of large heather thickets. It is also guarded by several gorse and thistle bushes. The den floor is covered in pebbles from the various brooks found on their territory, and the nest is made up of orange blossoms, bluebell flowers, reeds and grass.

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No New Posts ► WARRIOR'S DEN

On the right edge of camp is a fairly large den that is hidden by a decent sized heather thicket. Also protected by thistle bushes, this is where the warriors of BrookClan rest and share tongues. Reeds and grass make up the nests found here, garnished by one or two bluebell flowers.

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This roomy medium-sized den is located right beside the elder's den, and is hidden by another heather thicket. This is where BrookClan's apprentices can rest and share tongues. The outer edges of this den are lined by poppy flowers which sway peacefully in the wind. The nests are made up of reeds and grass, garnished by pebbles and orange blossoms.

1 1 breakfast - OPEN.
Apr 9, 2011 20:26:19 GMT -6
No New Posts ► ELDER'S DEN

As a warrior grows older, the time will come when they move to the den right next door to the apprentices. It is well hidden by a heather thicket, with several boulders and thistle bushes providing the entrance some extra protection. It is quite roomy inside, giving the elders plenty of room to stretch and shift position. The nests are made up of grass and moss.

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No New Posts ► NURSERY

Just beside the medicine cat's den is the nursery, where the queens and kits of BrookClan reside. It is warm due to the amount of sunlight that is able to creep through the heather leaves that hide it. Branches and thistle bushes provide most of this den's protection, and the nests are made up of grass and moss.

1 8 As Life Begins [ashpaw // open]
by ' Swifty ?!
Apr 17, 2011 19:38:23 GMT -6

In the center of camp is where you'll find the medicine cat's den. This is where BrookClan's medicine cat sleeps and cares for its patients. It is hidden by a thick layer of heather thicket, twigs and grass. There is a cleverly constructed bowl made of pebbles where herbs can be stored, and there is several nests inside made up of grass and moss.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Chase The Stress Away... -OPEN-
iPepper 0 119 by iPepper
Apr 15, 2011 19:50:05 GMT -6
newBookmarkLockedFalling [Soul/Cloudedsoul] -- battered, beaten & broken
!!elissebear 9 179 by Soul
Apr 7, 2011 22:31:00 GMT -6


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This is where the BrookClan cats prowl. It is located on the very edge of a shallow creek, making a quick drink of water not too far away. Their dens are cleverly constructed to blend into their surroundings, using heather thickets and gorse bushes to conveniently hide them. The cats who live here are typically swift and fast runners, and they are the only Clan to have mastered the art of catching fish.
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